Hoy mga pogi/maganda!
So this week was full to the brim. First, on Wednesday, we took our 2-3 hour trip to Dingalan, a place way in the mountains, for my companion (as new district leader) to interview someone for baptism. I got to see the sea for the first time, and a river yesss! Then the next day we traveled back and the Gabaldon Elders stayed over with us because the next day we had a World Wide Missionary Broadcast and of course, our disk version was scratched so the last 30 mins actually took 3 hours to get a new copy and eat lunch. We got huge changes in every mission in the world, which is 400+ affecting 200+ missionaries in every 1 mission, that's a lot of change! The next day was district conference, which is every area in our district (I realize that actually explains nothing, sorry!). Then today we played B-ball, traveled to a river and cooked Filipino food on the campfire (Oh Yaaa!), and got to see some waterfalls! Pretty great and pretty pretty.
So the changes in the missions are in the schedule, as in there is pretty much only a wake up time and a curfew time. It used to be a scheduled day by hour, though we still have the same things to do but do them when we want to do them. Then we would, at the end of each day, record numbers of our work that day and see how they met with the mission's goals. There were 9 key indicators, now only 4, and that changes a lot of things. As in, we can really focus on the investigators and their needs and not worry about meeting the numbers needs. Like in the MTC (Missionary Training Center) in Provo, we teach people, not lessons, or in this case, we teach people, not numbers.
Anyhow, something I absolutely love, that maybe you guys and mga babae should do is make a quotes board. Ya, it sounds like some Pintrest thing, but I started this in my last area and every now and then I read all the quotes, and there is always one that I needed for that time in my life. Pretty great also.
So my spiritual thought for you all. Actually this has popped up a lot lately and I know I've also said a lot about this before... about being an example to others. This time I'll give you some great examples here in the mission. One person we try to visit a lot is named Vanessa and she's a single mom, and has had some crazy trials in her life. I think of her as a great example, because she still keeps her morals and standards, even though her dad loves to drink and not support her in most of her doings, and she is trying to raise her son in a Christ filled environment. Side note, she is one of the reasons I am out in a foreign country for 2 years. To help her grow and be strengthened spiritually, even in hard circumstances. Another example is a mom again, but her husband isn't religious. She has adopted like 10 kids and is very, very poor. I really don't know how she doesn't just lose it sometimes, especially since her kids are 9 or under, that's some serious patience. She, even with her instances stays strong and moving on and shows every one of those 10 kids what is right or wrong. Another one is My mom, who like the first was a single mom with a hard headed son and she did her best and I turned out ok, sort of, haha. (Mom Note: Turned out AMAZING!!!) I accredit her with every good decision I made, every hardship I got through, and every life changing moment I've had, because without her, a lot of things would be different. I can easily say she's my best friend, has always helped me to better myself and learn and grow, and has always been there supporting me and those around her. I have a great testimony of being an example to others, because of the many examples in my life and there are many... like my wrestling coaches, my grandparents, some youth football coaches, but of all Mom still trumps all, sorry guys. I love you all and want you to look at your life and see those who are or were great examples to you, maybe really changed your life, and thank them, then work on becoming one of those great examples too.
Thanks for the support everybody, have a fantastically wonderfulistic week!
Elder Peterson
Here's a few photos for the books...
Monday, January 30, 2017
Monday, January 23, 2017
A Missionary's Work: Training a Want-To-Be Missionary
Hey everybody,
It feels like just last week I emailed you all... oh ya, it was last week, ha. Besides my horrible jokes, it's been really great here for sure. We had a baptism Tuesday and another planned for this Saturday, which is awesome! I absolutely love these people and especially serving them. So we had transfer day, which means you could leave your area and be assigned in a different area, and everyone in our district of 5 companionships got transferred except the zone leaders and us. One area also closed, which means no missionaries, because of some crazy situation there and should open up again next transfer. So there are a lot of new missionaries in our district.
We also spent last Monday being doctors. Since going to the doctor here is expensive, ya you all know where this is going, we helped one of our workers get rid of a huge, deep zit. Ya, pretty gross; the size of a quarter or more. The president of the branch, having to stay home because of a ripped Achilles helped us out, haha. So, using a clean glass bottle with some cleaning alcohol and a match, it suctioned most of it out.
After that, we went to a birthday party of one of our investigators and the clown didn't show up so we ate and gto to sing some videokye and play musical chairs, it was a blast! I also really appreciate Walmart now, with literally a little bit of everything in it and actual deals. Here a deal is buying soap that "comes with plus one!", but is actually the exact same price if you were to buy an extra bar. The last weird thing is the music here, it ranges from Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi, Filipino songs, Desperado by George Strait, Celine Dion, Green Grass of Home by Tom Jones and 7 Years Old by Lucas Graham. Very wide variety, really!
Anyhow, this week we have worked with one member every day and he's preparing for his mission. He has learned a lot about missionary work for sure, but I learned from him too. He likes to serve others. I do too, of course, but it's different because I now see that if you serve someone always, whether it seems noticed or not, it will shine through and not only help someone else physically but touches other's hearts as well. Especially when there is no expectation nor receiving anything else in return. It's really been a slow process to learn this and honestly, I have a thick skull, so I'm still learning. I also love to associate this with our decisions to choose our moods, mainly because after serving and not receiving, because of my expectations, I feel a little bad. But we can choose to be happy always. For me, prayer helps me to be happy when it's hard to be happy, because I know that service can lead to happiness. I try more and more to serve and it's true, it does lead to a deep happiness that's really hard to find, but worth it.
Love you all and stay pogi/maganda!
Elder Peterson
Hey everybody,
It feels like just last week I emailed you all... oh ya, it was last week, ha. Besides my horrible jokes, it's been really great here for sure. We had a baptism Tuesday and another planned for this Saturday, which is awesome! I absolutely love these people and especially serving them. So we had transfer day, which means you could leave your area and be assigned in a different area, and everyone in our district of 5 companionships got transferred except the zone leaders and us. One area also closed, which means no missionaries, because of some crazy situation there and should open up again next transfer. So there are a lot of new missionaries in our district.
We also spent last Monday being doctors. Since going to the doctor here is expensive, ya you all know where this is going, we helped one of our workers get rid of a huge, deep zit. Ya, pretty gross; the size of a quarter or more. The president of the branch, having to stay home because of a ripped Achilles helped us out, haha. So, using a clean glass bottle with some cleaning alcohol and a match, it suctioned most of it out.
After that, we went to a birthday party of one of our investigators and the clown didn't show up so we ate and gto to sing some videokye and play musical chairs, it was a blast! I also really appreciate Walmart now, with literally a little bit of everything in it and actual deals. Here a deal is buying soap that "comes with plus one!", but is actually the exact same price if you were to buy an extra bar. The last weird thing is the music here, it ranges from Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi, Filipino songs, Desperado by George Strait, Celine Dion, Green Grass of Home by Tom Jones and 7 Years Old by Lucas Graham. Very wide variety, really!
Anyhow, this week we have worked with one member every day and he's preparing for his mission. He has learned a lot about missionary work for sure, but I learned from him too. He likes to serve others. I do too, of course, but it's different because I now see that if you serve someone always, whether it seems noticed or not, it will shine through and not only help someone else physically but touches other's hearts as well. Especially when there is no expectation nor receiving anything else in return. It's really been a slow process to learn this and honestly, I have a thick skull, so I'm still learning. I also love to associate this with our decisions to choose our moods, mainly because after serving and not receiving, because of my expectations, I feel a little bad. But we can choose to be happy always. For me, prayer helps me to be happy when it's hard to be happy, because I know that service can lead to happiness. I try more and more to serve and it's true, it does lead to a deep happiness that's really hard to find, but worth it.
Love you all and stay pogi/maganda!
Elder Peterson
Monday, January 16, 2017
A Missionary's Work: A Week of One Year Older
This week has been a sweet one for sure, both in happiness and literally sweet. Yes, I am now 19, awesome. That means I can... well, do anything that I could while 18, so in the words of Nacho Libre, "Yesssss" (with accent of course) ha!
It has been really great here in the Philippines in Bongabon. After a while you just really come to love the people so much that they're like a 2nd family. Honestly I can't imagine how the culture and temperature is at home now ha! The purpose has really become "How can I love and serve these people to help them grow personally?" So that has been on my mind lately, but ya we had one lesson with our Indian investigator Povi, and he immediately bough us cake when he heard it was my b-day. We also had a celebration with some members and family that we baptized, the Agres family.
So the spiritual thought this week is about forgiveness. Ya I think all of us have a problem with forgiveness in some kind of case, whether it's for someone else or for ourselves. I find that pride is usually the issue, for me sometimes, it's hard to admit I'm wrong and that is part of the process sometimes. So sometimes, a self-evaluation is in need, but sometimes it's how much humility you need to have to let someone be right, when you know you're right. Sometimes there's a miscommunication or a simple mistake. In the end we really need to think about what will happen to you or them, and is it ultimately worth it. Jesus suffered for us and loved us and ya, us people killed him, honestly that's hard to say, but he forgave us and continues to love us. I know as we continue to strive to be like Christ, our Savior, we can learn this Christlike attribute and help change ourselves and other's lives.
Love you all and hope this week is a great one!
P.S. Here's some pics!
It has been really great here in the Philippines in Bongabon. After a while you just really come to love the people so much that they're like a 2nd family. Honestly I can't imagine how the culture and temperature is at home now ha! The purpose has really become "How can I love and serve these people to help them grow personally?" So that has been on my mind lately, but ya we had one lesson with our Indian investigator Povi, and he immediately bough us cake when he heard it was my b-day. We also had a celebration with some members and family that we baptized, the Agres family.
Cakes are an expensive indulgence in his area. |
#TrueLove #PeanutButter4Life #2WeekSupply |
#19Rocks |
#FilipinoFamily |
Love you all and hope this week is a great one!
P.S. Here's some pics!
He even got a candle. #FilipinosTreatHimRight |
Monday, January 9, 2017
A Missionary's Work: Hard Workers
Hoy! Kumusta life ninyo!
Here in the Philippines, Angeles mission in the Bongaler Zone, in the Bongabon Area, we are just living it up with work every day and loving and serving these people. My companion Elder Dela Cruz is awesome and after a frustrating interview with the president (in English), he now wants to learn English, yes! It's pretty important here. If you want that extra income, English will get you and advance for sure, and if you want to work abroad, it's a big help too.
So we had exchanges this week with the Gabaldon Elders in their area Gabaldon (very mountainy and beautiful!). Where we taught one person that absolutely agreed with us on everything... until (always an until, ha) she told us how she believes that Jesus Christ was reincarnated as a Filipino hero named Rizal. Which was quite interesting to say the least. We also had a worker with us and he has to be the most masipag (hard working) ever because he's around 70 years old, is paralyzed on his left side of his body and works with the missionaries every day, which we probably walked 7+ miles that day, wow is what I say! He's still smiling too! Great people here and I have the opportunity to meet them and teach them, yesss!
I also am making the district shirt and hopefully it is cool enough for them haha, though custom shirts here are cheap, the equivalent to 5 US dollars for full print on the front, back, and both shoulders, ya sweet!
The highlight this week was our baptism. Though we baptized the Agres family and they are amazing people, they make me want to become fluent in Tagalog so so much more, so I can help them grow personally and so they can understand me more. It makes me ponder the covenants (a two way promise with Heavenly Father, we promise something and if we keep our promise, we can receive from his many blessings that he wants to give us) we make in such ordinances like baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and even family sealings. It sometimes feels like a simple thing like "oh my family has been baptized so I guess I will too," but do we ever really think about that promise or covenant that we make or will make? We have a joyful and hard working road to follow. When we are baptized, it's taking Christ's name upon us and how we represent him is ultimately our decision, but knowing that he suffered for our sins and died for us, then again lived for us, we should ponder this. Don't shy away, but take this gift and try our best. We aren't perfect but with the gift of repentance, we can continue to strive to honor his name and follow his example. I love to be a part of helping people understand these opportunities he has given us and understand the importance of them too. I know that it's really important to have these ordinances done and that Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and these are part of it. I know that he loves us so much that he suffered to send his son to die for us, and the Christ loved us so much to offer himself to die for us.
Love you all and hope that your week is great, and the you meet even greater people!
Elder Peterson
Here's some awesome pics!
Hoy! Kumusta life ninyo!
Here in the Philippines, Angeles mission in the Bongaler Zone, in the Bongabon Area, we are just living it up with work every day and loving and serving these people. My companion Elder Dela Cruz is awesome and after a frustrating interview with the president (in English), he now wants to learn English, yes! It's pretty important here. If you want that extra income, English will get you and advance for sure, and if you want to work abroad, it's a big help too.
So we had exchanges this week with the Gabaldon Elders in their area Gabaldon (very mountainy and beautiful!). Where we taught one person that absolutely agreed with us on everything... until (always an until, ha) she told us how she believes that Jesus Christ was reincarnated as a Filipino hero named Rizal. Which was quite interesting to say the least. We also had a worker with us and he has to be the most masipag (hard working) ever because he's around 70 years old, is paralyzed on his left side of his body and works with the missionaries every day, which we probably walked 7+ miles that day, wow is what I say! He's still smiling too! Great people here and I have the opportunity to meet them and teach them, yesss!
I also am making the district shirt and hopefully it is cool enough for them haha, though custom shirts here are cheap, the equivalent to 5 US dollars for full print on the front, back, and both shoulders, ya sweet!
The highlight this week was our baptism. Though we baptized the Agres family and they are amazing people, they make me want to become fluent in Tagalog so so much more, so I can help them grow personally and so they can understand me more. It makes me ponder the covenants (a two way promise with Heavenly Father, we promise something and if we keep our promise, we can receive from his many blessings that he wants to give us) we make in such ordinances like baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and even family sealings. It sometimes feels like a simple thing like "oh my family has been baptized so I guess I will too," but do we ever really think about that promise or covenant that we make or will make? We have a joyful and hard working road to follow. When we are baptized, it's taking Christ's name upon us and how we represent him is ultimately our decision, but knowing that he suffered for our sins and died for us, then again lived for us, we should ponder this. Don't shy away, but take this gift and try our best. We aren't perfect but with the gift of repentance, we can continue to strive to honor his name and follow his example. I love to be a part of helping people understand these opportunities he has given us and understand the importance of them too. I know that it's really important to have these ordinances done and that Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and these are part of it. I know that he loves us so much that he suffered to send his son to die for us, and the Christ loved us so much to offer himself to die for us.
Love you all and hope that your week is great, and the you meet even greater people!
Elder Peterson
Here's some awesome pics!
Monday, January 2, 2017
A Missionary's Work: I'm a Translator
Hey everyone!
This week was great and filled with joyous work! I will have to say, having to teach in two languages is hard, mainly because of the transition from English to Tagalog. So what happened was at one appointment that we had, the husband of the sister is visiting and he's Indian. So because he doesn't know Tagalog, and is pretty fluent in English, I taught the lesson in English then Tagalog. And when Sister Vanessa commented and gave a life experience, where prayer was important, I would translate to English. Now, I'm not fluent, not even close, but somehow it worked out amazingly! Plus, I'm sure he feels lonely since everyone he's surrounded by is ok in English but not fluent one bit, so he's my new friend.
Other than that, we've been working, working, working and finding people who want to listen to a message about Christ, family and that there is plan for us from God. I love to teach and every time I smile and feel so great because it's amazing to answer questions and serve others. I love these people so much. I want to do so much for them an so whenever I can, I cook for them (yes, I know that sounds funny, Chef Elder Peterson), but food is such a big deal here. So now I'm a leche flan chef haha.
Anyway, the new year was great. It's very different here because it's all your neighbors with super illegal fireworks and really close to you. I was almost afraid of leaving the house ha.
Anyway, this week I have loved learning about a balance between obedience and loving and humility and not being so serious. For me, through wrestling, I have realized that sometimes I don't know how to relax and have fun, and I'll be super serious and like a robot (you can ask my wrestling coaches). So I really want to learn the balance where you have diligence and work hard, but have fun. So what I do now, is every now and then, I smile and think of something funny, maybe even do something funny just to lighten up the mood. It's hard, but I love to learn and grow and what I say is to think of something you want to work on, like my example, and try to see what you want to be and become personally, then constantly think about it and do what you can and slowly it'll happen.
Love you all!
Happy New Year!!
Catch The Rainbow |
Taste The Rainbow |
Other than that, we've been working, working, working and finding people who want to listen to a message about Christ, family and that there is plan for us from God. I love to teach and every time I smile and feel so great because it's amazing to answer questions and serve others. I love these people so much. I want to do so much for them an so whenever I can, I cook for them (yes, I know that sounds funny, Chef Elder Peterson), but food is such a big deal here. So now I'm a leche flan chef haha.
Anyway, the new year was great. It's very different here because it's all your neighbors with super illegal fireworks and really close to you. I was almost afraid of leaving the house ha.
Having Fun |
Having Fun |
Love you all!
Happy New Year!!
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