Monday, July 31, 2017

A Missionary's Work: When You Lose It, You Love It

Hey guys!

This week has been interesting, progressive, and full! To start, Philippines has made the original air gun into a super steroid version. It includes perfume, metal/pvc pipe, a bottle, lighter, and a marble. The thing is freakin' awesome and could easily make a hole in a person (so cool, I got to hold it!).

Also, we got some free sugar cane that just makes other sugars look like garbage, soo good (I'll run it over in a year 😉). I also got to meet a kid from the country Jordan who speaks English and a little bit of Tagalog.

Then I goat wrestled... Ya, he got the win this time but next time, I got it, ha!

It's really great here and I love these people sooo much. It's just every time I get to talk to someone about Christ and they want to learn more, then after some time I get to see them change their life around. They end up with hope, love, faith, patience, and more, where there was none before... that's truly amazing.

This week I really realized that we don't really understand the importance of something unless it's close to being lost or you really do lose it. Because of some situations here, we might have to move to another area. I am now constantly thinking of these people and how they have changed and grown so much, then we might have to leave so they would potentially have to wait until the area got missionaries again... and there is no telling when that could be. They are so close to making a beautiful promise to God through baptism, to follow him and his Son the best they can. An ordinance essential for all people. They will be starting a new slate, clean from all sin and ready to start the path toward God. I also know God has a plan for them and all of us so I'm not too worried. I really do know that God loves us and knows us each individually and that in this life's race, Jesus isn't waiting at the end but at our side with us. When we fall or feel we can't do something, he's there to help us up, and for us to lean on. Because of this, even the things that we lose and care about so much will be okay as we will be okay too. I love you all soooo much and hope you remember who's at your side every step, crawl, sprint of the way. And that if we acknowledge his presence, we will be okay with the things that are lost, because we know that he's taking care of them.

Elder Peterson
-I have to fix my camera, the files won't come up, that's okay, I'm a professional 😉

Monday, July 17, 2017

A Missionary's Work: Seek First


It got deleted again, sorry!!!
Just remember in seeking God, we pray, read, go to church and follow his commandments.

Love ya
Elder Peterson

Monday, July 10, 2017

A Missionary's Work: What We Feel Has Been Felt


Sunshine's Note: Somehow I missed this post last week so it's out of order. Sorry.

Hey all the party people!

This week has been great with lots of teaching and not much more, ha. It's great, just nothing crazy has happened but the regular crazy... like 8 year olds smoking, and 5 year olds driving motor cycles, and eating duck. It's all cool! But because of lack of time, I'll just go to the things I've been learning this week.

We have an investigator who we found out is getting bullied and is depressed. We are trying to help her the best we can. With this in mind, I read 2 Nephi 9:20-22. It's about Jesus' atonement. Every person that falls into depression needs to know they're not alone because He has felt all our pains, sins, hardships, all of it. When we realize that we are not alone, there is a strength given and taken. Because Jesus Christ suffered, died and lived again for us, we will never walk alone, or when we fall, we can get help up. Please remember we never were, are, or will be alone because of what he has done for us.

Love you guys, see ya next time!

Elder Peterson

A Missionary's Work: Truth Hurts, But Builds More


Hey everybody! How's it going on the North and to the left-ish side of the world? Ha. It's going great here. We're eating well and actually, like every other night, we invite this cool member to come and cook with us. He's pretty good and it's never boring for sure. We always end up cooking outside and it's a blast.

It's been so fast...The other day I was transferred to Paco Roman, now I'm going on 4 months here. Wow, when old people say time flies, I can testify they are way right, haha (no offense to old people 😉).Life just seems sweeter when you take in the memories and moments. Especially the people you're around. These people here are great and I am always soo much more happy when I'm with them, especially teaching them in their homes with their families.  Besides, tasting some great fried bugs (like grasshoppers) and finding some cool back woods houses... it's been a great week.

Now something that I have been working on, is learning from the truth. There are a lot of ways to learn from truth, but this kind is different. Let me explain in an example. My companion and I had a little bit of a hard time for a small period of time where he sort-of blew up about some things I was doing that he didn't like. I thought of what he said and instead of being mad and trying to shove his weaknesses in his face like I used to do, I pondered on what he said. I thought about, if we want to become better children of God, we need to be willing to accept all and be willing to work on it. I realized what he had said was true and decided to work on it. It's not always easy to take the truth, especially when it really shows your weaknesses, but if you have the mind-set of becoming the person that God sees you being able to become, you will take the truth and correction and become a little better. My invitation to you all is to don't immediately be offended from some kind of correction or truth but ponder it and work on your divine potential. Love you all... seeya in another week!

p.s. We got to see how they cook Dog. Ya that smoke smelled...

Elder Peterson
Pics of course!