Monday, December 26, 2016

A Missionary's Work: Maligayang Pasko / Merry Christmas


Maligayang Pasko / Merry Christmas!
Merry Pasko or Maligayang Christmas or however :)!

So this Christmas was completely missionary and Filipino-fied. With no Christmas tree, we made a Christmas palm tree/flower out of a Gatorade bottle, a nativity scene out of a coke can, some leaves, some ornaments, and a sky scene thing (a piece of the coke can with stars cut out and a candle lit behind it). This, and a package from home... Sweet, it was a cool scene! But our main focus, besides Skyping home for Christmas, was service. It was more of the missionary lessons kind of way of Christmas service.

Making a "Christmas Tree"
Christmas "Tree" with Nativity
The custom here is that during Christmas, everyone goes to visit family and when you visit, you bless the family (a sign of respect to the elderly) then the family will give them money or gifts. That's one way to motivate seeing all the family, even the ones that you don't really like (her mother in-law, joke lang! / jk).

Christmas in the Philippines
Anyway, I have been studying repentance lately and it's pretty deep stuff. I remember a time in my life when I felt that because I screwed ups so bad, that I felt like "it was over". that "why should I try anymore", or "I can't be forgiven, there's no hope for me." Then after learning and growing more in my life, I now see something different. So those times that you screw up badly and think that, think of Christ. why? Because he suffered for all of our sins, which means he has felt every sin we've ever made, making and will make. He felt all sin, he bore it for all people and from this he knows how we feel and gives all people the mercy to the justice. We can always be forgiven because of Christ and his atonement (his suffering for our sins). After you realize that he can forgive you, ask for it, ask for forgiveness and his help, he will give it. It's part of his Character to forgive and still love you after. Through we still have consequences from our actions, those burdens may be light when we ask for it. God loves us so much that "He gave His only begotten son" to suffer and die so we can have the opportunity or tool of repentance. someone once told me "repentance isn't all made of suffering and hardships, it's a way to receive joy. For it is what Christ intended us to use to someday live with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and our families in heaven." I know that through repentance, we can live with them again in heaven and if we use the tool and opportunity, which is repentance, we can find true joy.

Love you all, Merry Christmas from the Philippines, and if anyone wants to talk, I'm here every Monday.
Here's some pics from this Christmas :)

Elder Peterson


Monday, December 19, 2016

A Missionary's Work: Prep for Christmas (Yon!/cool!)


This week has been a great week in getting to know the new people in this new area. We have such a cool area because it has bukid/farm and it's so beautiful! We have the best sunsets ever and when we go jogging, it's a lot cooler, not as hot because there aren't so many buildings to stop the wind. I think I've finally turned into a Filipino because it's cold for me and I'm thinking about buying a blanket (ha!). I think I have also become a beginner level (not a rookie) Filipino chef.

So this week, in the Christmas spirit, make it family, Christ and service centered. It's a perfect time to spend a special day with those you care about. It's even more special being as a family and focusing on Christ. How do you focus on Christ? We can look at all the blessings he's given us. Think about all he has done so we can live with our families and loved ones again, and share that joy with others. It's seriously a great opportunity to serve others, like making some goodies for those who have to work that day (ex. policemen, firemen etc.) It's really simple but you help share a part of the love Christ has for us. so really, have a great Christmas, a family, Christ, service centered Christmas! Love you all very much Malagayan pasko!

Here's some pics too...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Missionary's Work: Messed Up Transfer Day


So the day before transfer day, we had a farewell party from the ward and it was soo great. We had lots of food and talking. This transfer day (last Thursday) was really, really messed up! I finished my training, which in most situations my trainer would get transferred and I would stay, because I know the people and area. But in this case, we were both transferred and the area became a sister missionary area, which could be hard for them because they're both new missionaries to the area and don't know who we've been helping and supporting while we were there.
Teaching his friends how to make Pizza

More Pizza
So now I am in Bongabon; change because I went from straight city to straight bukid (super farming rural area). Now instead of a ward, it's a branch {Mom note: a ward is a congregation with 150-500 members that live reasonably close to the meeting house. A branch is typically a very small congregation with less than 150 members}, and it's so great because the area is so united and love the missionaries. We get a meal almost every night, which is great for the belly and the pocket ha.
Filipino Moving "Truck"

So I have a great scripture to share in Doctrine and Covenants 11:7-14. It talks about following the Spirit / Holy Ghost / Espiritu Santo. That if we follow his spirit, the works will be good and we can judge it by the works. "Put your trust in that spirit which leadeth to do good - yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my spirit." It's that kind of feeling you gt when you serve someone and feel so good and warm after, like that. When our works are good and help others, we generally feel this way, or when you're going through a hard time and need comfort so you pray, at least for me, I feel like that warm and comforted or when we have a huge question, a fork in the road situation, sometimes we can receive an answer if we ask in prayer. And it can be a feeling like that warm awesomeness or maybe a thought that you would probably not have thought of if you hadn't prayed. In other words, like a prompting to do something. That's the spirit and it's like a guide for everyone. Obviously, the scripture is way better and I recommend reading it. you can use the app or online at gospel library. I love the teaching from prophets of God and Christ. It's so uplifting an inspirational and really helps me every day, rough or not. I love that in his gospel, families can be together forever and I have a testimony that it's true and have seen great blessings from his gospel.

 I love you all and I'll see you all next Monday.

A Missionary's Work: My Training Coming To An End


So this week I went through the palanki (really big place with a lot of street vendors) and found a ukay uhkay (the kind of off brand goodwill) and bought a sweet tie. While doing so, within 5 mins, I was told to marry the owner's daughter and that she would be a great wife... besides that awkward shopping moment, I now have a sweet tie, and am still single, ha!

The big upcoming change is transfer day, because my training will be tapos na (finished). Which means my trainer will probably get transferred and I will lead the area. Pretty much means I know where to go and what to do do always while my new companion learns the area. It's great to meet new people and help the people here as much as possible. I love the people here very much. They are so amazing, really! I'm really excited to wrestling too, even though I only get updates from friends and family, it's great. I know this year Solon wrestling is going to be so great!

Anyway, lately I have been thinking of how we are all examples and truly affect others. For me, it never really hit me, until a small thing way-back-when... KC had long hair and refused to cut it and I knew it so jokingly I said he should cut his hair and immediately he wanted just that. Now this is a small and not very important action, but it hit me that others really do look to you and care what you think. Ultimately we are examples even in the smallest ways. Since then, I have made mistakes and had successes and ultimately want to follow Christ's example and really help others and as this happens, hopefully it will help others too.

Well, enjoy some more pictures and I guess Thanksgiving happened, wow time does fly.
Love you all.
See ya next Monday!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Missionary's Work: Food MMM!

Cleaning the church in a wrestling stance.

Hey everyone,

So last week, with the want of new food, we made a lot of experimental food. I made no-bake cookies without the "proper ingredients". I used Energen powder instead of cocoa, brown and white sugar, peanut butter, milk and butter and oats. This is all without measurements, the "just eye it" method, which I like anyway. I brought them to a surprise birthday party for an awesome mom of 5. They're not mayaman (rich) by any means - as in, the kids saved up their money for a while to buy spaghetti for a nice dinner, and the dad bought a cake which is "Wow, a cake, you shouldn't have" here. Cake is really special here and usually only wealthy people buy cake. They actually really loved the cookies too and asked for my recipe. Ha! She was so surprised that she even cried.

Anyway, how is fall? We wouldn't know cause it's the same temperature year round, or hotter. The language is coming along too. I'm at the point I can understand pretty much everything but speaking is something else, though I have spurts of correct and incorrect grammar.

So, something I love to do when we teach is share life experiences, and I might be young, but there are a lot of life experiences that apply to Christ's teachings. I can see how people cherish a story of experience or even an example than someone telling them something. Probably because people like to apply pinciples to themselves, and an example of a principle is easier to apply to life, especially when someone has been through it. So maybe if you want to help somebody, share an experience or example and be a good example, and then the rest is up to them.

Well, see ya'll next week.
P.S. - It's wrestling season, yessss!