Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Missionary's Work: Messed Up Transfer Day


So the day before transfer day, we had a farewell party from the ward and it was soo great. We had lots of food and talking. This transfer day (last Thursday) was really, really messed up! I finished my training, which in most situations my trainer would get transferred and I would stay, because I know the people and area. But in this case, we were both transferred and the area became a sister missionary area, which could be hard for them because they're both new missionaries to the area and don't know who we've been helping and supporting while we were there.
Teaching his friends how to make Pizza

More Pizza
So now I am in Bongabon; change because I went from straight city to straight bukid (super farming rural area). Now instead of a ward, it's a branch {Mom note: a ward is a congregation with 150-500 members that live reasonably close to the meeting house. A branch is typically a very small congregation with less than 150 members}, and it's so great because the area is so united and love the missionaries. We get a meal almost every night, which is great for the belly and the pocket ha.
Filipino Moving "Truck"

So I have a great scripture to share in Doctrine and Covenants 11:7-14. It talks about following the Spirit / Holy Ghost / Espiritu Santo. That if we follow his spirit, the works will be good and we can judge it by the works. "Put your trust in that spirit which leadeth to do good - yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my spirit." It's that kind of feeling you gt when you serve someone and feel so good and warm after, like that. When our works are good and help others, we generally feel this way, or when you're going through a hard time and need comfort so you pray, at least for me, I feel like that warm and comforted or when we have a huge question, a fork in the road situation, sometimes we can receive an answer if we ask in prayer. And it can be a feeling like that warm awesomeness or maybe a thought that you would probably not have thought of if you hadn't prayed. In other words, like a prompting to do something. That's the spirit and it's like a guide for everyone. Obviously, the scripture is way better and I recommend reading it. you can use the app or online at gospel library. I love the teaching from prophets of God and Christ. It's so uplifting an inspirational and really helps me every day, rough or not. I love that in his gospel, families can be together forever and I have a testimony that it's true and have seen great blessings from his gospel.

 I love you all and I'll see you all next Monday.

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