Friday, August 19, 2016

MTC Week 3 - I CAN!


This week was great, we had a transfer (generally its when we change our companions,but in this case the older guys left to the Philippines and we got new guys). So we are the experienced guys and even though we don't know a ton of Tagalog we have been speaking it a lot around the new guys to mess with them a little. 

Earlier on before the older district left, I had commented that with my wrestling skills, in a match, I could take down this huge Samoan who is playing D1 football and has a full ride to college. So the night before they left, while doing my stance drills ( thanks coach!), I taught some guys how to wrestle, wrestled with a guy going to wrestle in college and beat him, then was peer pressured to wrestle the Samoan. I won and everyone was surprised (not sure why). It was a blast hes a great guy and maybe ill see him in the Philippines. 

Anyway besides the major rug burns from wrestling, the language is sweet I absolutely love it! Am I good at it probably not, but its so cool and I can't wait to get to the Philippines and learn their culture and be a part of it! We teach lessons everyday and my Kasama (companion) and I are learning and working on listening to the people. Not language wise, but listening to their needs and teaching what will mean the most to them. A great example is teaching the Plan of Salvation and how families can be together forever in this life and the next, to a family oriented person. We are also getting better at working with each other in teaching. 

Some hard things for the guys in my district have happened within the first two weeks. Three different guys were notified that someone has died in their friend/family group. These guys are troopers, they are so set on bringing the gospel of Christ to the Filipinos that they decided to stay here and learn the language. These guys are so amazing and hard working, I can't explain the spirit they bring with them everyday and it's awesome, they choose to be happy anyway. I've always been a believer that a lot of things we can't do are because of mental restrictions, like "I can't!" so a great way to work on the "I can!" is to choose your attitude. We are in charge of whether we are happy or sad, angry or sympathetic. 

Another thing we've been learning is about prayer. We don't take it serious enough, at leased I don't sometimes. Think of it this way, we dress up for a play, a meeting, or a dance, etc. Isn't talking with God more important? Shouldn't we pour out everything in our soul to him? shouldn't it be more meaningful and reverent? He wants to listen to us and be a part of our daily lives. After all prayer is like a phone we speak and receive. He'll answer our prayers whether its instant or much later, God has a plan for each one of us and he will answer our prayers in his own time. I know these things to be true, Sa Pangalan Ni Jesucristo, Amen.

P.s.-     Stay Awesome Guys!
Elder Peterson
Mom note 1: He is wondering how you are all doing so shoot him a quick email if you can.
Mom note 2: Here's a picture Aubrey Fitzgerald Markham sent me with the caption "Look who I saw at work today!" Made my day!

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