Monday, November 21, 2016

A Missionary's Work: Craziness In Our Zone


So in our zone this week, we had an activity where we were separated in our districts (4 districts make a zone and 4-6 missionary companionships are in a district). Then we would pick out of a bag a paper with some kind of talent and we would choose someone out of our district to compete against others chosen to compete from their districts. It was a blast and afterward, we had a budal fight (not actually a fight). You have banana leaves places out (as sort of place mats), then lots of rice and chicken and if you want soy sauce with other ingredients. Sobrung masarap! (delicious) It was also somebody's b-day so we got a sort of cake and sang happy birthday Filipino style.

The next day we had companion exchanges with the zone leaders and I met a lot of people in their area. We stayed the night there so we could go to zone conference the next day. Which is pretty much a giant devotional, with lunch and meeting the other missionaries from the other zones (our zone conference in 3 zones).

I also miss Mexican food a lot lately, I don't know why; I still love Filipino food though! I have also been on a chief cooking roll as in I printed a lot of recipes and am starting to collect ingredients for them! Especially things that they don't know about here like no-bake cookies.

Anyway, lately I have been thinking about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and families. As I've read and searched and prayed, I found that besides the Atonement being central to God's plan for us and Jesus' gospel, families are very central too! Literally almost everything can be linked to families or supports the central unit of families. It just shows to me, how important the family is to God and Jesus Christ! So when you think of your relationships with your family, are they good thoughts? or loving thoughts? If not, how can we change that so that there is peace and love again? Because family is always going to be there. Just remember how important family is, then show how important they are to you.

Well, see you all (in email) next Monday!
Love you all, have a family centered week!

Elder Peterson

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