Monday, March 6, 2017

A Missionary's Work: Give A Little and Take A Little


Hey guys (and girls), how's just coming out of winter? Because it's summer here year round, ha!

It's been a good week for sure and it's also super close to transfer announcements and day (which means either one of us could go to a new area). so we have been working harder than before, which was already hardworking. though the highlights were 3 baptisms on Saturday and finding some very willing and interested people to listen to a message about Christ's gospel returning to earth. The most sad part was one of my friends, Elder Farish just went home, finishing his 2 years serving the people, and how tomorrow they may be somewhere else and I may never see him again. Just sort of, do we forsake the time we have with those we love, kind of deal. (sort of grim-ish).

So to lighten the mood, I'll tell you about the culture. Every bathroom is a two-in-one, toilet and shower and a drain. Also the kids love to try to use an American accent when they see you and it's funny none the less. Anyway, along with hearing some Billy Joel today, it's continued to be a good day. Oh, and Filipinos hate black licorice (yep, I have some here in the Philippines #MansCandy).

Morgan loves animals
Anyhow, the best part began last Monday after emailing. One family we have visited since I have been in Bongabon, and they are great, but I could tell there was some kind of contention between the parents always, and if you can't teach with the spirit, you shouldn't. So we would check up on them and see if anything would change every now and then. Last Monday we taught them again and could feel no contention and actually a lot of peace. They had a change of heart. It wasn't like they saw an angel and then decided to change something in their lives, but they decided to give a little and take a little. The entire lesson I felt so happy and I could tell they were too. Sometimes when we have a problem, we turn to someone else and say, "it's your fault", when we should, like earlier "give a little and take a little". Like forgiving, serving, or when you know you're right but your sister insists you are still wrong and you let it go. I guess it's sort-of like a balance we need to find in life. Something that feels quite impossible but really it is possible. We become more of who God wants us to be. I know God has a plan for us and that he helps us become so much more than we are now. And I know that balance in life is important and hard and possible.

I love you all, see ya next time!

Elder Peterson
Here's some more randomly awesome pictures.

Happy belated Birthday! He makes treats to share with people but has no oven  

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