Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A Missionary's Work: Focus in Service


Hey guys, it's Elder Peterson again... you're probably bored of me by now, haha.
It's been a good week though, hot, hotter and then rain and hot humid. But it's close to transfer day so my companion or I could get transferred to a new place. Anyway, lately we've been the legit Filipino chefs. Cooking dynamite which is peppers with cheese and meat inside and wrapped in a lumpia wrapper and fried. We also cooked banana que and a range of meats... of course with rice, ha.

So this week I have been learning to "Forget myself and go to work", as Gordon B Hinckley said. Isn't it great when you're involved in a greater work and you use your all, and never even think once selfishly towards yourself, but always outward toward the job? It's not that easy, but when you ever find yourself in a moment as such, you feel sooo good. Like one time, during a service project I was involved in, after about a few hours of straight focused work, I stopped and took a look around and realized the cause we were working toward. It all of the sudden changed from a task to do, to somewhat of a bigger picture and scale. Truly building more than a building, but building the people. There is more of us to find when we serve others because we are more when we serve. Something I started to do is that if I ever feel angry for any reason I do something for someone else. It seems completely impossible to stay angry and do something good at the same time, and your mood changes soo much. Sort of like being angry then hugging someone. Eventually you can't help but smiling. When we are focused in our service we truly do become more and do more. And  so, like the saying earlier "Forget yourself and go to work", I challenge you guys to serve others this week, no matter the situation and truly do so without expectation of anything in return, being focused on them. I know you'll see a different you :)

Love you all!
Sorry there were problems with my pictures so I'll send them next week, but here's some old ones haha!

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