Hey guys this week was fun, packed and great!
We talked to so many people this week and are way ready for Nov 1. Nov 1st is like the day of the dead, but no costumes. So everyone's at the local cemetery (which is above ground, just a bunch concrete boxes with remains inside ha) and its way ok to just hang out on top of them or play poker, or even use the coffin as a table (kinda weird). But it's awesome and I would love to talk to them about family history and the plan of happiness. Then we also found some people to teach in a Kamalig or a rice storage facility that also has a bunch of pigs that are like the size of two or three people (man they're fat!).
I also have the best mission shoes ever. I'm takin' them home cause they're sweet, which means next week I'm getting new shoes yay!
The highlight this week was Tatay Pasito's baptism. He's just this really fit, little, 60 year old tatay who works in the bukid or farm and is super humble. One of our lessons was about how families can be together forever in God's plan of Happiness/salvation, which he just teared up. Because over his years he's lost three of six children and his wife while he's still trying to even provide for himself (he's very poor). I love that man a lot he's helped me see a lot of things better like how precious family really is and how to be more loving and humble, great guy!
This week I remembered a huge thing I learned back when about frustration and learning. I will say I don't have the best "Cool head" sometimes, so when I get frustrated I hate it a lot. Someone taught me that When I am frustrated its impossible to learn, but if you let frustration go (or anger) you can learn and grow and progress. I learned this in the wrestling room too ha. When this one move that some guy from like Iowa or something kept doing and destroying me with, I just couldn't stop it! So afterwards, I practiced and practiced to defend it but just could not defend the stupid move, and my frustration showed. Coach then told me that if I actually wanted to be able to defend this move I would have to learn and that wouldn't work if I was angry. Well the awesome part is I can defend that move and I can use that in my life. Well we all have times that we feel as such, Angry, Frustrated, or sad, but those only stop our progress personally. So maybe we need to look a little bit bigger and look at how much we want to actually progress then decide if we'll let go of the bad and learn, or hold on and never get any better. It's all up to us. We our the deciders of our lives.
Well, love you guys and hope you'll try this out this week, its my challenge.