Sunday, October 8, 2017

A Missionary's Work: The Currant Bush


Hey guys! this weeks been a great one! We had a branch Family Home Evening (FHE) which is pretty much every one here in the church came together and we shared a spiritual thought then had tons of super fun Filipino games then some food. Ya it was a blast! 

I still haven't coaxed the lil' monkey here to sit on my shoulder (I  probably just need some more candy, ha). But today Elder Anazario and I decided to stop being shy about talking to people so in the Jeepney (there is no comparison in America, except like a really long jeep as public transportation. holds like 20 plus people) we loudly talked over the road noises to them all. It was great! Whats better then facing your fears dead on?! (of course pumpkin pie!). 

So This week I read this article from our stake letter about a talk by Elder Brown. I highly highly recommend reading it! He shares an experience of pruning down a current fruit bush who had over grown and was yielding no fruit. He saw a small drop on the stump and thought of it saying to him, "why did you cut me down? I was making such growth and now I will be looked down upon." He, the gardener, then said, "I'm the gardener here and I know what I want you to be. Later you will look back and thank me." Years later he was about to be general in the military but was denied because he was Mormon. He then went to his tent and angrily shook his fist at heaven and murmured to God about after everything he has done to measure up to his commandments, that even that wasn't earned. Then he heard his own voice say, "I'm the gardener here and I know what I want you to be." He then prayed and ask forgiveness and now looks back and says thank you to God for loving him enough to cut him down. Now for me I look back at past failures all the time and analyze what I did wrong. You all know I love wrestling too. When I started wrestling in 6th grade my goal was to win state. As my senior year finished in my thoughts failed and reviewed in my head all my mistakes and what I should've done. After reading this talk I thought about all that would be different like what college, serving a mission, or maybe my future in college (like future Mrs. Peterson ;) ). All I know is maybe like the talk said He's the Gardener here and knows what he wants us to be. And like the current bush it's not necessarily like we want. I know He has a plan for us even when we don't yet or ever see it. 
Love You all!

Here's a link to a short 3 minute video about the story The Currant Bush:

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