Monday, November 13, 2017

A Missionary's Work: Loving Example


Hey guys this week has been kinda crazy after transfers. After staying 7 months in my area, my companion left and I am here still with ... an American companion! After over a year I now have an American, it's kinda crazy and now my tagolog is going downhill (I gotta study again), and i'm the district leader which doesn't mean much except I'll be doing the serving and teaching for the five other elders in this district. I'm excited to really get to help these Elders love the Filipino people and serve them better. 
This week is still working through my head but it's been a fast good one. I want to let you guys know I love you guys and hope these letters help you out. Well before half of my old district got transferred my old district leader told me that being a district leader is the best because you get to love, serve, and help change other elders so they can help other people more. Well he's right! one thing that I've noticed so far in life is that the best way to help someone change is to love them. I've seen people change from really rebellious to wanting to help others as much as possible, simply from a good example and feeling the love of that person. If you really think about it, it's what Christ did for us. Just anything and everything out of pure love for us. He felt all of our sins and trials or hard times, then he loved the people even when he was being put to death. We're lucky to have such a great example who showed tons of love for us, now we just have to decide to change from that. It's how we can help others change and how we change still. 
My invitation for you guys is to be the good example and show that kind of love to others then watch them change. love ya'll and have a great week! 

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

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