Monday, January 22, 2018

A Missionary's Work: Lil' Mga Biyaya!


Musta mga pet-malu (Tagalog slang that makes sense only in the Pilipinas)! So yung linggo na ito we had some crazy schedules including two interviews in the mountains, a special conference with the first missionary to serve in the Philippines (yes hes still a live), and a baptism that was in a river at 7 at night in the mountains. It sounds like just a little amount but with travel and work to do it's insane. 
Anyway I've started my diet kasi, in six months I'm home and wrestling haha, so I'll be experimenting. So Also my b-day last week was fun and I love all the people who were able to come eat and play v-ball with me it was a blast! 
So this week was cool because, like the title says lil' blessing, it's because of being more aware to God's blessings, even the little ones. I started seeing some small blessing from little experiences like when we were going into the mountains the first time it looked pretty good outside and all, but even though it looked alright I put some books into my bag and put on a jacket. A little weird but almost 5 mins later it was raining hard and I was glad I had done those things. Now it's a small thing right?! but it made a big deal to me cause of course carrying around wet books sucks. I think of it like little blessing that even we don't recognize, but make the difference in our day or spirits or in us. like those days that sucked, you got stuck in traffic cause you took the wrong exit and it was pouring rain while you're late for a new job. Now it could all be different because of a small blessing like a prompting to pay a little more attention to that sign on the right a second before you switch lanes. It's a little blessing but a big difference for us. He really cares about what's important to us and so he blesses us with these lil' blessings. He really loves us. So lets look for these lil' blessings this week and focus a little more on how he really loves us. 
Well Love you guys (and girls) ! and take care!

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!​

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