Monday, April 16, 2018

A Missionary's Work: Charity 1


Hey guys this week has been really crazy! I left my old area after 10and 1/2 months there its crazy leaving, but its an interesting experience. We're in an open area which is kinda crazy (open area means no missionaries were there for a while and we have to start over in finding people to teach and getting to know members) But so far it's amazing here and the people are so nice (like it'd change, still in the same country haha). So Idk whats going on in wrestling but let me know guys haha! Anyway I have been thinking about learning charity and the other day I read something on my quotes board made a long time ago from my grandpa and it said how compassion is one of the pre-requirments to learn charity and then I added to it that gratitude is also required. So to clarify what charity is, its more than what we think of as giving stuff to poor people. What it really is, is loving people over ones self, its serving selflessly because we love them, its less about us and more about help others out and become more. Its "The pure love of Christ". So to gain charity or become more like Christ we need to be more Gratful and more compassionate towards others. I just think about becoming more like Christ and he loves us all so much now imagine loving people even a little bit like that. You'd change lives and help others overcome hard things, you'd truly be in the service of |God's children and that means we'd be serving God. Well its just some thoughts i've been thinking about of recent. Love you guys keep up in serving and loving others which will change lives.

seeya next time! ​
Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

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