Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Missionary's Work: Update ing haha


Hey guys it's been a while since I emailed... almost like a week or something haha. Life's been good lately, my comp. and I are awesome and loving every moment of it. To release some stress my comp. and I made and air guitar band, my comp. loves to practice his soccer skills on frogs so life is good haha. 

It's been raining a lot lately and it has been great to break the heat but man it's an over dose of rain. Anyways we were able to teach some great people this week, sister Janice from ilo-ilo and sister marielle and the linaban family from Mindanao. so the we have a lot of different languages to deal with. They're really amazing they're really trying to come unto Christ and become who God knows they can become. I can tell their lives have changed a lot, they are so much more happier and seam to have less of a burden in life. That's what getting to know God is like and that's what they're doing. You can tell they really act different too towards other people, they seam to love a lot more and forgive even more. I respect these people sooo much. But anyway thats just a little update. love you guys! Amping Gid!!

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

A Missionary's Work: Gratitude


Hey guys its been a rainy week. I can't tell if I like the 120+ degree heat or being soaked all the time. yay. But its been a wet fun week we did a lot of good and found some great serving opportunities. 

There have been great blessing in the work right now and we have been able to teach a lot of people. I love this place and am very grateful for being here. I think gratitude is a big deal. if we were more often grateful I think we'd never be stage frightened and we'd be a lot more positive and happy. I've just started to learn this but I'm finding that if you take a few moments every day to be grateful about something it makes everything better. My days have been a lot happier as I have done this exercise. With every companion I'm assigned with I make a gratitude list of that person. And then sometimes if I meet someone that really gets on my nerves I do the same thing, I look at the good and eventually that's what I see in them and I can love them as a person, better. Its a challenge I want you guys all to do but not only for people but for but for situations too. I love you guys and will seeya next week on email haha

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

Monday, June 4, 2018

A Missionary's Work: Short and Simple


Hey guys, the "time is far spent" (don't actually know what that means but it sounds about right). We're here in Tarlac getting our x-rays for our departure home in a month and a half, so ya super fast. Anyway, this week was complete with being chased by dogs, eating ant eggs, and yard work for a school. It's been super awesome lately and I love it here. It'll be an adjustment coming home for sure.

Anyways this week I learned two new sayings that I love. One is  "Things will work out" and the other is "don't complain, don't compare, don't criticize". I love these new sayings because if we live them, we'd be less stressed and more positive and loving to other people. I want to start living these things so that people become more meaningful to me. I can tell even in these simple things we can become more Christlike. Here's my short but awesome message seeya next week love you all!!

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

Ant Eggs