Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Missionary's Work: Gratitude


Hey guys its been a rainy week. I can't tell if I like the 120+ degree heat or being soaked all the time. yay. But its been a wet fun week we did a lot of good and found some great serving opportunities. 

There have been great blessing in the work right now and we have been able to teach a lot of people. I love this place and am very grateful for being here. I think gratitude is a big deal. if we were more often grateful I think we'd never be stage frightened and we'd be a lot more positive and happy. I've just started to learn this but I'm finding that if you take a few moments every day to be grateful about something it makes everything better. My days have been a lot happier as I have done this exercise. With every companion I'm assigned with I make a gratitude list of that person. And then sometimes if I meet someone that really gets on my nerves I do the same thing, I look at the good and eventually that's what I see in them and I can love them as a person, better. Its a challenge I want you guys all to do but not only for people but for but for situations too. I love you guys and will seeya next week on email haha

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

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