Monday, July 9, 2018

A Missionary's Work: The Last One


Hey guys,
sorry I didn't write last week. We lost track of time and didn't get to email very long. Well things that happened of cool or significance this week starts with us having a BBQ (like a real American one, AWESOME!) on the 4th of July with all the other missionaries, next was getting the worst food poisoning ever the very next day (3am-11pm of just throwing up and more ughhh), then the best Sunday ever cause a recent convert of ours gave me a ukulele (yessss, I've wanted to get one for ever!!!). But if that's the shadow of this coming week its going to be the best week ever and I think it'll be an amazing week! 

So guys its kinda crazy I'm coming home next week, not really sure what to think I've been in the Philippines for 2 years its kinda like I really live here and is my 2nd home for sure. Anyways I just want to bare my testimony as my last email. 

Over these last 2 years of missionary work and service I have really come to know and love these Filipino people and others, myself, and God. I really know that He has a plan for all of us and a purpose for everything and situation. He has, like in times before Christ, given us Prophets and Apostles today and I know God do not change in this concept. He gives us modern revelation and has given us the Bible and Book of Mormon so that we can all have 2 witnesses that Christ is our Savior and Redeemer and that He loves us very much. I know the Book of Mormon is true because I have read it and asked of God if it was and is true... and it is. He gives us trials and hardships so that we can learn grow and change consistently and always so that we can be better and more Christ-like. Joseph Smith was His instrument in returning Christ's church to our dispensation. God gives everyone of His children on earth many opportunities to come unto Him in this life and the next. But I have really come to know that He's there and loves us. I see it every day as someone gains faith or help from Him in their lives. He's there and we can all know that if we seek Him through Prayer, reading the Scriptures, and go to His house (church). I love each and everyone of you guys. You are each children of God and He cares for you. I know these things to be true and you can too. And this is my testimony in Jesus name amen. 
Love you guys seeya in a week, ung huling ingat ko sa inyo lahat bago darating ako doon... Ingat!
Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

A Missionary's Work: Grace and Second Chances


Hey guys how's life goin'? It's going great here, sooo much fun! It's been fun to eat new foods and learn more and more about the culture here. It's great! 

Today my comp had to get a blood test done so afterwards we went to a Filipino fav. restaurant called mang inasal and we tried to teach the kinda new couple missionary to eat with her hands Filipino style but she couldn't do it haha. I've also been thinking about the future a lot lately like school and a future career and such. I've also been asking around about sports medicine information or dietitian info or PT info just to figure out my future courses. 

Anyway this week I listened to my fav. talk by Brad Wilcox called his grace is sufficient, and was really inspired about it. Even though I've heard that talk a 100 times I still pull different things out of it. This time was about 2nd chances. Grace is great we have the ability to repent and be forgiven but there is a bigger purpose than just a "sorry" and a "that's ok", it's meant for change. Because we're not perfect and we sin we can be forgiven and learn from that and grow for those sins or mistakes. Like with any sports, you only get better when you learn from your mistakes and change. It's the same. We can learn and change from our mistakes and become a better Us. In the process of change we need 2nd chances. Not one or two but unlimited. If we only have 1 or 2 chances to make mistakes and change in sports we'd never improve and be limited, in God's plan we need his grace to have those "unlimited" chances to continually improve and change. Because if you to meet God now, would you be happy with who you are now or would you want to change and be better? For me I want to be better before then so I'm full of grace. We have those unlimited chances so we can grow. I know God really loves us and He knows who we can become and wants us to get there and we can! Well I'll see you guys in a few Ingat palagi!!
Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

A Missionary's Work: Update ing haha


Hey guys it's been a while since I emailed... almost like a week or something haha. Life's been good lately, my comp. and I are awesome and loving every moment of it. To release some stress my comp. and I made and air guitar band, my comp. loves to practice his soccer skills on frogs so life is good haha. 

It's been raining a lot lately and it has been great to break the heat but man it's an over dose of rain. Anyways we were able to teach some great people this week, sister Janice from ilo-ilo and sister marielle and the linaban family from Mindanao. so the we have a lot of different languages to deal with. They're really amazing they're really trying to come unto Christ and become who God knows they can become. I can tell their lives have changed a lot, they are so much more happier and seam to have less of a burden in life. That's what getting to know God is like and that's what they're doing. You can tell they really act different too towards other people, they seam to love a lot more and forgive even more. I respect these people sooo much. But anyway thats just a little update. love you guys! Amping Gid!!

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

A Missionary's Work: Gratitude


Hey guys its been a rainy week. I can't tell if I like the 120+ degree heat or being soaked all the time. yay. But its been a wet fun week we did a lot of good and found some great serving opportunities. 

There have been great blessing in the work right now and we have been able to teach a lot of people. I love this place and am very grateful for being here. I think gratitude is a big deal. if we were more often grateful I think we'd never be stage frightened and we'd be a lot more positive and happy. I've just started to learn this but I'm finding that if you take a few moments every day to be grateful about something it makes everything better. My days have been a lot happier as I have done this exercise. With every companion I'm assigned with I make a gratitude list of that person. And then sometimes if I meet someone that really gets on my nerves I do the same thing, I look at the good and eventually that's what I see in them and I can love them as a person, better. Its a challenge I want you guys all to do but not only for people but for but for situations too. I love you guys and will seeya next week on email haha

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

Monday, June 4, 2018

A Missionary's Work: Short and Simple


Hey guys, the "time is far spent" (don't actually know what that means but it sounds about right). We're here in Tarlac getting our x-rays for our departure home in a month and a half, so ya super fast. Anyway, this week was complete with being chased by dogs, eating ant eggs, and yard work for a school. It's been super awesome lately and I love it here. It'll be an adjustment coming home for sure.

Anyways this week I learned two new sayings that I love. One is  "Things will work out" and the other is "don't complain, don't compare, don't criticize". I love these new sayings because if we live them, we'd be less stressed and more positive and loving to other people. I want to start living these things so that people become more meaningful to me. I can tell even in these simple things we can become more Christlike. Here's my short but awesome message seeya next week love you all!!

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

Ant Eggs

Monday, May 28, 2018

A Missionary's Work: The Real Importance


This week was hot...  I love the heat but man I'm using an umbrella, what is this! haha!

This week I got sick and am now pushed to drink about 4.5-5 liters every day, but hey I feel better now, healthier, and saving money, ha its great!

So this week I have been studying faith. I love this topic soo much because it brings greater meaning to everything. I downloaded this talk about faith in wrestling by wrestling mindset, and I love it because (Seth Gross was the guest speaker), Seth talks about how he wrestles. He wrestles with faith in a greater purpose, he talks about how he goes out there and gives it his best, but knows in the end, what's important. I love that mentality and how faith works in everyday things like wrestling. I like to add this to a bigger picture of our lives. With work and studies and such, if we have faith in a bigger purpose or even the mentality of remembering what's really important, in the end of it all doesn't all that stuff all of a suddenly seem smaller? Ya I think so, I believe that a loving God has given us such things as family, His own plan and other things so that we can find the deep, real importance in life. We don't have to get lost in little things that simply distract, instead we can have faith and find those things that really matter to see, even a little bit more of, the bigger picture. I love you all see ya all next week!
Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

A Missionary's Work: "One Day More"


Hey guys! this week was really fast and awesome, and "I'm loving it up in the city" (guess that phrase). It's been really great though. We had tons of opportunities to serve this week and the opportunities keep coming and its great, I love serving! We got to paint the elementary school and clean up a bunch of stuff, then tomorrow we're goin back to do some more because there's a lot more to do. We also cooked an awesome Filipino desert called bibingkan kanin its a sticky sweet rice with caramelized coconut sugar on top (hhmmmmm).

So LG (life's good), and really fast but great. Anyway this week at church I heard a great talk about a different talk they had listened to called, "One More Day." Its about a family who had a child with an illness and knew that he would die at a younger age. Then on in the talk it's about loving up our time that we have while we have it and sacrifice. He said that this short time we live is a time to, of course spend time with those we love, but also make sacrifices. I think about this time here and now to serve the people of the Philippines, I really love making memories and spending time with them, but it's the sacrifices that count. I remember something that someone said to me, "What would you do for your family?", next he said, "now what would you do for God?" It was a good question, would I give my best to share his word or give of my time or give up certain wants for him? Ya it's a really good question with a limited time period. Maybe we should think more of our time and what we can Give or Sacrifice during that time.

I love you guys and seeya next week lagi maingat kayo!

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Missionary's Work: Understand and Enjoy.... :)


Hey guys this week was fun though not a ton happened except for the 45 celsius so super hot! but we're still happy :) so I don't have tons of time today but I do want to say we're doing pretty good got to taste new fruits and make homemade trail mix and cook some new foods which is great!

Anyway I think what came up a lot this week were two things 1: be understanding to other people and 2: enjoy "this moment." So in the mission there's a period (at least that's what others say) that when a missionary is close to going home he gets "trunky" or in other words kinda ready to go home and gets lazy. I really don't want that to ever happen so I said to my companion, "lets work even harder!" And in doing so I kinda lost the enjoyment of the service that we're doing and became less understanding of people's needs and weaknesses. As I realized what was happening, I made an adjustment to change. I sometimes forget when I get super focused on things to remember nobody's perfect and to have fun or enjoy. You can ask any of my wrestling coaches there were soooo many times I was so focused that I wasn't enjoying it. Now when I think about it what's the use of memories and doing good if you don't just love and enjoy it right now. It's already a short life that we're meant to feel joy and enjoy. Just a little thing from this week but important to me so I'll see ya'll again next week love ya'll!!!

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

A Missionary's Work: Love


Hey guys how's life in the U.S. of A? Here we're doing not so great... just ... Awesome!! This week we found a lot of people to teach and it was great! We got to go to this far part of our area and it was great, just straight bukid (farm land) and it was peaceful, full of even Nicer people (didn't know that was possible), and just overall a great time. I really love it here and I love being with these people. 

Well with this short time here's my spiritual thought.    I think since i've been here i've really learned about charity or love for others. But i've got to say looking back it all started when I was a kid in being a recipient of much love. Looking at key role-models of mine and their example I sense a ton of love. My Mom is probably one of those bigger examples for sure! I remember when I was kinda rebellious and even though I was I knew I was still welcomed by her and that kn matter what I did or do, she will. Then its always good to think of an even bigger example, the savior.  Though he served many people all his days and loved them and did everything he could for others, in the end, after suffering for the sins of a fallen people, he was then taken. Mocked, beaten, and suffering he took it all and then died on a cross for those same people. Thats a great amount of love. Maybe its one of those traits that make life more worth living or just me, but I know if we can love everyone even your enemies or those kinda annoying people who honk angerly at you though they don't know you still can not control traffic. Anyway the point is if we really want to become better and follow abetter example, this might be where we should start and I know if we truly are trying and seek for help from God, we'll get just that and become a lot better. I love you guys and hope you have a great week. 1st and 2nd commandment huh! take care!!

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!​

A Missionary's Work: Compassion


Hey guys this week was Pretty good! So we had a hard workin' great week and I love my comp he's awesome! Then on Thursday we had a huge CSP (community service project) we got to pretty much do everything I did before the mission, dig holes and work hard. Which was a blast and it helped them out a lot after we were going on exchanges which means you get to switch your companion with someone else for a day and we get a call and someone my companion knows in his area is in the hospital. So we go to the hospital and find this mom and her 10 year old girl. The little girl is obviously in great pain, not able to move half her body, or speak, and not able to communicate. I remember looking at her and feeling such a great amount of compassion and love for her and her family, even though I don't know them. After that experience I thought about how Jesus must've felt as he was to suffer for us all even though we're imperfect. Or when he was beat and mocked just to, in the end, die for those very people. He must've had a lot of compassion and love for us to do so much for us. Even now he's always by our side and ready to help us. So just something to ponder this week and appreciate. Well love you guys and hope this week is great ingat!!! 

Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

A MIssionary's Work: Big Pic


Hey guys! there were a few interesting things that happened this week. one is a fun fact that I thought I should tell you guys so your prepared if you come to the Philippines, every kid that is toddler or younger don't where pants and pee anywhere they want. two, when me and my comp are bored after we're home for our curfew we play basketball inside our small apartment trying to pass each other up its a fun sight to see haha. Three, one of our investigators kids fell off their porch head first and was completely ok. That 2 yr old has the head of a rock, true because i've seen him get into a hammock and fall, also head first, then repeated it like three times more. So that was some things that happened or are fun facts for you guys. Anyway this week I was thinking about things, mostly about purpose. I thought about how sometimes our goal or purpose in something is direct and that's what you want. Then after hard work and other things that may happen you feel you have failed. But little did you know another purpose and goal of an other went through. For example yesterday (sunday ) we were running really late for church and thought we'd miss the first part that's kinda like mass, called the sacrament. And I was just praying we'd make it and when we got there 30 mins late we somehow made it on time. Later I come to find that they were trying to start on time and tried everything to get the microphone to work, but nothing happened. A little later they just brought in a speaker and hooked up a different microphone stating late. But we made it. I thought about how sometimes maybe things don't go how we want it but it helped someone else. I've come to know that theres a purpose for all things even failures and successes. Its kinda crazy how things kinda just go right or things some how work out but its part of a bigger plan so When we fail at something don't think its the end of the world think maybe it was part of a bigger picture that is meant to help you or others. well there's my lil' thought for you guys take care and love ya'all stay safe this week!
Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

A Missionary's Work: Testimony


​So this week was good guys! We found this awesome family of eight who we're now teaching, they're super cool and they love to ask us about God and who he is and how he can help us. Some great questions to even ask ourselves and they were asking us about this and we were blessed to have that great conversation guided by the spirit. I can tell God is important to them and I'm excited to continue these discussions.

We got to have a great community service project where we got to help one of our members here needed help to clean his yard. He lost his leg a while ago from diabetes and so his huge yard was like way to hard for him to clean, especially him being alone at his house. So we got to take out some trees which is exactly what a bunch of 18-21 yr old's need haha.

Anyway this week I really felt time just fly by the more I think about how to help these people and not about myself. I find that time not only goes faster but you find more of the good in people. I just want to share my testimony with you all. I have only been here for almost 2 years but I feel a big difference in my and hopefully other's lives. Since being here I have had to humble down, gain more confidence, love people that are hard to love, and learn how to serve in all situations. I have found that everything has a purpose and reason for why things happen. I have come to know that we aren't alone either, when we fall or fail we can get back up with a loving hand stretched out to help us. We do get 2nd chances, in-fact we get unlimited chances as long as we're doing our best. We are children of God who has a plan for each and everyone of us. He loves us and wants the best for us, that's why we have hardships in life so we can grow and that he can help us. I know I am loved and so are we all, and one day after this life I can be with my family again and I leave all my testimony with you all in Jesus's name amen.
Love you all and I'll see ya all in 3-ish months, kita-kita tayo doon sa amin bahay ha
Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

A Missionary's Work: Im-possible?


Hey guys this week was cool I met someone with my first name [Rodney] which was kinda mind blowing haha. This week was Holy Week here which is of course Easter week that people celebrate here. Though in some places here it's extreme where some people will reenact the crucifixion of Christ not with the same brutality of it but will literally get nailed to a cross for like an hour. That's kinda Crazy with a capital C. so that was one thing that happened this week.

Anyways  [Anyways 1 fav word ni E.Peterson ngayon] while listening to the testimonies on Sunday, one in-particularly caught everyone's ears. One by an 18 yr old girl who told us about how she doesn't believe in the impossible. She apparently got into a big accident when she was young and everyone had told her that she would never be able to  finish her schooling, she's now graduating 12th grade. They said she wouldn't be able to walk again, she's now walking. Then they said she wouldn't be able to walk without a limp or straight and she has overcome even that. My whole life I have believed if you put forth the effort and work you could do anything. I am happy to still say I believe that, even in a world where people say you can't change or be something else. Like this girl, nothing is impossible we can become better in all things. We can improve, and we can become Who God see's us being able to become. We can use bad circumstances and failures to improve and progress. Little by little the "impossible" becomes possible and reality. That's what God has given to us is the ability to progress, change, and do the impossible. I like one picture thing where it has written Impossible with IM in parentheses meaning I'm possible, {"Im"possible}. I love you all and mean it when I say, WE are possible, we can do the Impossible. Seeya all next time!!
Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!