Sunday, May 13, 2018

A MIssionary's Work: Big Pic


Hey guys! there were a few interesting things that happened this week. one is a fun fact that I thought I should tell you guys so your prepared if you come to the Philippines, every kid that is toddler or younger don't where pants and pee anywhere they want. two, when me and my comp are bored after we're home for our curfew we play basketball inside our small apartment trying to pass each other up its a fun sight to see haha. Three, one of our investigators kids fell off their porch head first and was completely ok. That 2 yr old has the head of a rock, true because i've seen him get into a hammock and fall, also head first, then repeated it like three times more. So that was some things that happened or are fun facts for you guys. Anyway this week I was thinking about things, mostly about purpose. I thought about how sometimes our goal or purpose in something is direct and that's what you want. Then after hard work and other things that may happen you feel you have failed. But little did you know another purpose and goal of an other went through. For example yesterday (sunday ) we were running really late for church and thought we'd miss the first part that's kinda like mass, called the sacrament. And I was just praying we'd make it and when we got there 30 mins late we somehow made it on time. Later I come to find that they were trying to start on time and tried everything to get the microphone to work, but nothing happened. A little later they just brought in a speaker and hooked up a different microphone stating late. But we made it. I thought about how sometimes maybe things don't go how we want it but it helped someone else. I've come to know that theres a purpose for all things even failures and successes. Its kinda crazy how things kinda just go right or things some how work out but its part of a bigger plan so When we fail at something don't think its the end of the world think maybe it was part of a bigger picture that is meant to help you or others. well there's my lil' thought for you guys take care and love ya'all stay safe this week!
Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

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