Hey guys its another week and another small adventure! So I don't know if I told you guys but back then when I had my bday one of the people we were teaching had their baby girl on my bday and I got to name her haha #coolexperiencesinaforeignland (name is Alexandra). Just a cool thing I remembered the other day ha, we also caught a rat the size of forearm and that was crazy haha!
So this weeks spiritual thought comes from my talk last Sunday about the ability to Choose change/progress. We want to become something more right!? Well that's good cause that's what God wants too. That's why he gave us the power of Choice. He loves us dearly and wants us to come home to him again, but that means we have to want that too. It also means if we look at ourselves today are we as we think we should when we return to Him? if not that means there is change to be made of course as being imperfect people that means we also need to change. The thing I have seen a lot lately is a ton of people who say, "this who I am, I can't change." That's when I think of a quote by a rehabilitation worker who would help bad people turn their lives around. One interviewer once told him, "don't you know cheetahs cannot change their spots?!" and he replied, " well I'll have you know I don't work with cheetahs I work with people and people change everyday." We can choose to change which will be step by step, lil' by lil' but we can! I remember one time here in the mission, I and my companion were on bad terms with each other and it was rough times. I eventually had to step back and look at myself and evaluate. I wasn't who I wanted to be or who I thought God would want me to be. So I decided it was my turn to change and not make things so hard for me or my companion. Not instantly but little by little I changed my attitude and things worked out. Now that missionary (I already apologized for my hard headed-ness ) is one of my close friends. Maybe that's what we need is a self evaluation, but what I do know is if we want to become like Christ we need to continually change. I know its part of His plan for us. I love you all and hope you all have a great week!
Elder Peterson
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!
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