Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Missionary's Work: Im-possible?


Hey guys this week was cool I met someone with my first name [Rodney] which was kinda mind blowing haha. This week was Holy Week here which is of course Easter week that people celebrate here. Though in some places here it's extreme where some people will reenact the crucifixion of Christ not with the same brutality of it but will literally get nailed to a cross for like an hour. That's kinda Crazy with a capital C. so that was one thing that happened this week.

Anyways  [Anyways 1 fav word ni E.Peterson ngayon] while listening to the testimonies on Sunday, one in-particularly caught everyone's ears. One by an 18 yr old girl who told us about how she doesn't believe in the impossible. She apparently got into a big accident when she was young and everyone had told her that she would never be able to  finish her schooling, she's now graduating 12th grade. They said she wouldn't be able to walk again, she's now walking. Then they said she wouldn't be able to walk without a limp or straight and she has overcome even that. My whole life I have believed if you put forth the effort and work you could do anything. I am happy to still say I believe that, even in a world where people say you can't change or be something else. Like this girl, nothing is impossible we can become better in all things. We can improve, and we can become Who God see's us being able to become. We can use bad circumstances and failures to improve and progress. Little by little the "impossible" becomes possible and reality. That's what God has given to us is the ability to progress, change, and do the impossible. I like one picture thing where it has written Impossible with IM in parentheses meaning I'm possible, {"Im"possible}. I love you all and mean it when I say, WE are possible, we can do the Impossible. Seeya all next time!!
Elder Peterson 
remember stay Pogi, smile on, and laugh a little!

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